IWOF: The International Wellness Outreach Foundation is a public charity and the outreach arm of CCEM. The official launch of the charity took place on December 15 2019 at a Black-Tie Affair banquet. The focus of the charity is mental wellness. Each year we aim to target a different areas of mental illness and to focus the resources we gather on helping in those areas.
CCEM is well aware that the church community is much broader than our four walls and we are committed to impacting our world in ways that benefit humanity as well as glorify our Heavenly Father.
Mission Statement:
Our aim is to improve our community by first recognizing each individual as a valued member of society.
Vision Statement:
The International Wellness Outreach Foundation strives to improve the lives of those who are considered marginalized, exploited and withdrawn due to mental illness by providing them with access to social, physical and psychological amenities through a non-discriminatory process of serving. Our core value is to empower the members of our community by providing a safe place, support and resources that will help them to lead fulfilling lives.

Chairman - Nigel Thomas

Vice Chairman - Correy Degannes

Secretary/Treasurer - Pauline Grandison

Board Member - Clayton Dennis

Board Member - Judith Walker-Campbell

Board Member - Rev. Dr. Orville Harris

Human Resources - Lindy Emery-Harris