About Us

How we Got Started
Cornerstone Christian Educational Ministries (CCEM) is all about family! It is the place where YOUR family comes to meet our family and we all make up one BIG family – God’s family. CCEM is on a journey. The journey began with a small Prayer and Bible Study group of seven (7) members. The site was a living room at 1020 East 84th Street and the time was the summer of 2003. The group quickly experienced spiritual growth and numeric increase which necessitated the addition of a Sunday worship service.
Our Numbers Swelled
As our numbers swelled, we “checked out” of our first place of abode and into new quarters at 5 Paerdegat 12 Street (which housed a daycare center) in April 2004. With the new location came the addition of youth meetings on Friday evenings. September 26, 2004 marked the official launch of the ministry with 28 members receiving the right hand of fellowship.
Moved to Our New Home
The new location soon proved inadequate and on September 07, 2006, by God’s grace and with the assistance of faithful, dedicated saints, we entered into an agreement which facilitated our move to our present home at 1035 East 94th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236. The facility has undergone major changes since we came, and so has our ministry. In January 2010, the leadership changed hands when our current pastor (then a deacon) took over the reins. On January 25, 2015, he was ordained and officially inducted as our pastor – Rev. Orville Harris. On November 27, 2016, he became Rev. Dr. Harris when he received an Honorary Doctorate from Redemption Faith Ministries Int’l Bible College in Ontario, Canada.
Our Diverse Membership
CCEM now boasts a vibrant youth department, Sunday school, Men’s and Women’s Ministries, a Missions Department that assists mission fields in Caribbean countries and this year, we became involved in a community outreach project when we joined in feeding the homeless at a facility on 104th Street in Brooklyn. Our new counseling center is set to be launched later this month.
Our Mission and Our Family
CCEM’s roots go down deep through constant study and application of God’s Word accompanied by prayer and fasting. The Holy Spirit-inspired teaching of the Word is transforming lives and affecting attitudes positively. Every person who attends CCEM know that they are a part of our family, and the Love among us is tangible. You feel it the moment you come through the door. Visitors readily testify that they feel a ‘sense of belonging.’ “Come, taste and see.” You’ll be glad you did!