You Are Enough

December 10-11
You Are Enough
For by that one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy. Hebrews 10:14
“You have been made perfect” is something I read recently in an article focused on the Truth (Jesus) that sets us free. These are also the words written in Hebrews 10:14 “forever made perfect”. By worldly standards this verse seems the wrong way round. To survive in this world, we need to somehow hit it big, work harder, constantly improve, study, pass exams, reach goals, get fitter, or even worse lie and cheat our way to the top. Our level of perfection can feel unattainable and often is! Our minds become consumed with thoughts about getting better at something, and we end up comparing ourselves to those around us who seem to ‘have it all together’ and this leaves us feeling less than. We are bombarded with perfection and how to achieve it every day, yet the Word of God tells me that I am already made perfect.
Today remind yourself that you were made perfect by the Creator. Reaching higher is not necessarily a negative concept, though, because it helps us to develop our talents and giftings and become who He (God) made us to be. God doesn’t wish for us to stagnate or sit around doing nothing. There is much joy and satisfaction in hard work and growing towards reaching our goals.
The issue becomes when the difference between this being a negative or a positive aspect of our lives is when we begin to measure our worth by our achievements, and what we can do, or can’t do. This leads to feelings of ‘missing out’ or worse depression because we keep on reminding ourselves that we aren’t good enough, or that we aren’t ‘there’ yet.
What then is God’s truth, as seen in our scripture for today? God sees us as perfect because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. He looks at us and sees perfection through Jesus. When we understand this godly truth, a huge burden lifts from our shoulders, and a sense of belonging settles in our hearts. It’s a different starting point compared to the worldly voices that accuse us of not being enough.
You are enough in Jesus, just as you are. Nothing you do or don’t do, can make you less, or more, loved by God.
Prayer for today: Father God, thank You for this amazing truth from Your word. Thank You, Jesus, for Your sacrifice that makes me whole and reminds me today that I am enough. Amen