Throw the Stones
Tuesday, September 13
Throw the Stones
And David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone and slung it and struck the Philistine on his forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground. 1 Samuel 17:49
Sometimes in life, we can find ourselves in situations when we feel completely overwhelmed. Sometimes, whatever the practical reality of the case, the size of the problems facing us can just seem insurmountable. The enemy uses these moments to capitalize on fear and keep us feeling frozen. This is the scenario in 1 Samuel 17. Every day, a Philistine champion named Goliath came out to taunt the Israelites by offering one-on-one combat on a ‘winner takes all’ basis. What could Saul do in the face of such enormous, overwhelming, circumstances? Here is where we find the courage of the little shepherd boy David.
Armed with the shepherd’s weapons that he had used to protect his father’s flock, David went out to take on Goliath with these words, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” I imagine he’d have looked small and insignificant, standing there in the face of that giant. But the rest, as they say, is history…
We too have a Goliath, the enemy who works daily to stack all odds again you. But just like little shepherd boy David with his 5 stones, you step on up to the challenge and know God can do miraculous things through you when you refuse to back down!
Today, toss those stones! Well not literally, but we should like David stand up to whatever the Goliath is in your life. The devil is totally counting on you to give up now. But, like David facing Goliath, we would do well to focus less on the size of our own particular ‘giants’, and more on the enormity of the God we serve. Because the truth is that ‘our’ victory is actually His victory through us. And His battles are fought ‘not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD Almighty’.
If you could only believe today that God has equipped you with every single thing needed to have your breakthrough and stand in victory. God is with you today and he is offering you victory. Victory is and has already been yours. Rise up and receive your victory.