This is truth
Thursday, November 11
This is truth
The watchman replies, “Morning is coming, but night will soon return. If you wish to ask again, then come back and ask.” Isaiah 21:12
All of us know at times and to varying degrees what it’s like to cry out and ask, “When is morning coming and the night ending?” As King David cried; ‘How long oh Lord, will you forget me forever?’ (Psalm 13). Often our own sinful actions and nature cause us to cry into dark nights, “Lord, when is morning coming?” And so, whether facing the current uncertainties, sickness, trouble or all manner of situations and scenarios, being a child of God does not free us from the bondage of the night’s cry, and the longing for morning.
Today, whatever we face, as we call to the watchman; “When is the morning coming?”, let’s take hold of the faithful One as we face our night, because, however immense the darkness, we do not stand alone. So, we encourage one another that yes, morning is coming, and we wait with anticipation for that day when the sun shall rise. Let us turn in full confidence towards our Savior. We can know deep within us that He is faithful, and that, as the morning star rises within our hearts, we will find stillness and quietness.
We will be still and know His peace, till all our nights become His glorious days.
Prayer for today: Father God, I trust You and still my heart before You. Quieten my soul, spirit and my whole being, as I face the day. Lord, whatever this day holds, may I reflect the beauty within me and bring forth the eternal hope I hold into the lives of those around me. Amen.