The One Man
Wednesday, December 28
The One Man
How much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ… Romans 5:15
Through one man (Adam), the world was turned upside down and yet through one man (Christ Jesus) the world was turned around. From the beginning God had a plan to save His people. And His name is Jesus. This ‘One Man’ did so much for us in saving us from our sins. He is mentioned eight times in Romans 5:12-21, One Man. This one man, who had committed no sin throughout His entire life, yet was the sacrifice used to save all mankind. Not from physical death, but from eternal death.
God is a God who reigns always. God sent His Son – our sinless Savior – to save you and me. You are a child of destiny. You do not belong where you are. You belong to the good place God wants you to be. In likewise manner, the devil has a negative plan for you. His plan in John 10:10 is to destroy things, including you! Thank God that Jesus came so that you may have life and have it abundantly. God’s plan is greater than the negative plans of the enemy, His plan will surely come to pass.