The Lord Wants to Heal You
Wednesday, July 14
The Lord Wants to Heal You
So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help. Isaiah 30:18
My son came in from playing outside with a scream and a limp. Eventually he let me take a look and I found he scraped his leg pretty badly playing on the cement. Immediately I grabbed the first aid kit, cleaned up his bruise, applied a bandage and all was soon well. God spoke to me through that incident and showed me that, just as I was overjoyed to be able to relieve Elijah’s pain and deal with the cause of it, He also longs to bring healing to us and to deal with whatever is causing our pain. He delights in doing it for us, because He loves us.
Only four years old, Elijah was unable to clean up the cut and probably would have led to more soreness if it were left alone. He needed to trust me and allow me to touch the sore part. Sometimes we can be fearful of allowing God into our wounds, imagining that it will be too painful to touch into the issues, but if we don’t allow Him to come near, to go in and clean things up we will not receive healing.
Is there a thorny problem in your life that you have been reluctant to bring to God? Afraid that if He comes near it would cause more pain? Today, I encourage you today to put your hand into God’s hand and trust Him with whatever is troubling you. As today’s verse reminds us, God must await for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion.
Why not let Him do so now?
Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, thank You for mercy. You long to be gracious to us and to show us compassion. I am sorry for not trusting You enough and for trying to sort things out for myself. I come to You now and ask You to bring Your comfort and healing where I need it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.