The Lord Forgives
Friday, April 21
The Lord Forgives
Then Jesus said to the woman, “Your sins are forgiven.” Luke 7:48
God teaches and calls us to be like Him. Apart of this journey to imitating God is being kind to one another, loving one another, but He also asks us to forgive as He would. However, as humans it can be difficult to not only verbally forgive someone, but to mean it internally in your heart as well. There are some things in our lives that are easy to forgive and move on from, but there are others that are harder to forget. If someone in your life does something that is truly unforgivable, what can you do to resolve your heart from being hardened toward them? Jesus has shown us unbelievable signs of forgiveness when people around him did not believe his word and scolded him.
In order to be forgiven, we have to let the Forgiver in. In order to be healed, we must go to the Healer. Asking someone for forgiveness requires that we open ourselves up entirely. We must admit our wrongdoing, our vulnerability, fear, and insecurities. Thankfully you have a Savior who can identify with these feelings. Consider the account written in Luke 7:36-50. Jesus knew how much of a risk the harlot took in approaching Him in humility and love to anoint His feet.
Are you in need of forgiveness and healing today? Start by asking yourself these simple questions: Have you allowed God into your darkest places? Have you allowed yourself to experience the incredible liberation that comes with God’s forgiveness and love?
Name the sin you keep hidden even from God today, and embrace the first step toward being fully forgiven and fully grateful. The Message translation of Luke 7:47 reads this way: “She was forgiven many, many sins, and so she is very, very grateful. If the forgiveness is minimal, the gratitude is minimal.” The more honest our confession, the more grateful we are for God’s overwhelming grace and love.
Prayer for today: Dear Lord, I have sinned. I come to You completely open and ready to ask Your forgiveness. Please forgive my sins and breathe into me Your forgiveness. I humble ask…Amen