The Keeper Who Keeps You
Thursday, June 2
The Keeper Who Keeps You
The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. Psalm 121:7
Many of the greatest fears in life come not from what we can see, but from what we can’t — from the next unpredictable day to the next worldwide pandemic. We fear what we cannot see. Satan, our enemy uses these fears to consumes by inflaming the unknown. He exploits our imagination and torments our feelings of insecurity. But today’s verse leaves us with a great reminder, the Lord is our keeper and He watches over our lives.
It should be shocking when you realize that this God, the creator of everything—all powerful, all knowing, all controlling—is for you! It is God’s covenant promise with his people, starting with Adam and Eve and on through every covenant he makes (Noah, Abraham/Isaac/Jacob, David), that he will be the covenant keeper and the keeper of his people!
The Lord can keep you, because there’s nothing this God cannot do. No crisis or circumstance can overwhelm him. He is never surprised or shaken. He made all things, sustains all things, and rules all things, even on the most difficult days. No hill is too high, or night too dark for him. The Keeper keeps you.