The Joy of A New Day
August 6-7
The Joy of A New Day
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for them that love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9
Although he didn’t know it yet, the events of Acts chapter 3 would change his life forever. The long-awaited day of freedom had dawned for the man who sat daily at the gate of the temple called ‘Beautiful’. In Acts 3:2, the Scripture reveals he was lame from birth, and so, as far as he was concerned, all hopes and dreams of what might have been, had long disappeared as he considered his lame situation. His only hope of survival up until then was dependent on the goodwill and generosity of others. But God had more in store for this man than he could ever have imagined. Today is a new day. Today is a day for rejoicing.
On this particular day, servants of the living God were passing by on their way into the temple. As usual, his own thoughts were no doubt centered on survival. He was only thinking about how much money they could give him, but, nevertheless, he wasted no time in asking for their help.
Then comes the disappointment. They didn’t have any money. Oh! You can almost see his head drop to his chest with defeat. But wait, they had something else, something better! They had something more than silver and gold. Suddenly, the name that is above every name was mentioned, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.”
Suddenly, the flashpoint of life pierced his darkness and his life was changed forever. Not only did his feet and ankle bones receive strength, but something changed in him and in his whole demeanor. Joy and hope surged through his whole being as never before. He sprang to his feet and entered the temple ‘walking and leaping and praising God’. At the gate Beautiful, God had restored the joy of his life and given him beauty for ashes.
Today I encourage you to find the strength to rejoice. Silver and gold, I may not be able to give you but in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and shout! God’s Word declares, ‘Eye hath not seen, neither ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him’.
Maybe the circumstances of life have not been kind to you. You don’t know why certain things have happened and you can’t see a way out. But Jesus will make a way, for He is The Way. In your hour of need He will break through in the most unexpected way. Believe it and receive it. Jesus is our Healer and Restorer, Deliverer and Friend, and just as He did for the cripple at the gate Beautiful, He will surprise you and make all things new.
Prayer for today: Thank You, Lord for being the Hope of the world, and You make all things beautiful in Your time. Thank You for breathing new life into all the wounded areas of our lives, for You are our Life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.