The Fullness of God
October 23-24
The Fullness of God
Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun. Ecclesiastes 2:11
Fullness is something we crave for, right? We yearn for it. Yet when we receive it, most often than not, we are not satisfied. We’re either too full or we crave now for something else. It seems our desire to be full is never achieved because we are seeking for something else. How come fullness is so elusive? Maybe because we look for the wrong kind of fullness. The only kind of fullness that can satisfy us is the fullness of God.
Being too full of food or candy is not pleasant no matter how good the food or candy looked before we consumed it. The same goes for success, money, fame, drugs, popularity. There’s a sin-carved hole in the heart of every person alive—a deep void that screams to be filled. The issue isn’t the size of the hole but the substance we are using to fill it. There’s a hole inside of us that we can’t fill with anything but God. The fullness of God is the only thing that brings blessings and the lasting feeling of being fulfilled.
Think about King Solomon. It’s hard for us to wrap our minds around how rich he was. First Kings 10:14 tells us that Solomon received 666 talents of gold each year as a base income. In today’s market that would be around 1.5 billion a year. That’s a lot of money no matter what century you live in! Basically, Solomon was so rich, he could buy whatever he wanted; and he took full advantage of his assets. He wrote in Ecclesiastes 2:10, “And whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I kept my heart from no pleasure…”( ESV). Solomon had all of it. But listen to what Solomon eventually confessed—”Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun.” (2:11).
What was true for Solomon is true for us – only the fullness of God satisfies. When we try to make things in this life fill the void we sense, we end up hating those things that we poured all our hopes into, because they ultimately fall short of satisfying us. Many men hop from adventure to adventure seeking their next “fix.” Some even hop from one relationship to another. But the problem is it’s a never ending cycle, because only God can fill the void.
So God wants to fill us with the fullness of Himself. How can we have it? By believing in Jesus. When Jesus takes up residence in us, we receive all that he has. His fullness takes over our emptiness, His grace takes over our sin. And His wisdom takes over our foolishness. This is Jesus in action. It brings the fullness of God.
Prayer for today: Gracious God, forgive me for trying to fulfill my life with anything but You. Guide me on how to live out my faith in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen