The Excellency Of The Lord

October 29-30
The Excellency Of The Lord
O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth, who have set Your glory above the heavens! Psalm 8:1
Miranda Curtis sings a song titled – Nobody Like You Lord. This song echoes the words written by King David in Psalm 8 with the central purpose of praising the Lord for his greatness. In the opening phrase of this Psalm, King David uses two different Hebrew titles to address the Most High God… “O Lord” and then goes on to describe our God. He says “how excellent is Your name.” The meaning of “excellent” can be best described by the words “glorious”, “beautiful” and “worthy”. When we stop and think about the titles of our God, “Lord”, “Creator”, “Sovereign”, “Alpha and Omega” etc. we see they teach us much about the wondrous nature and workings of our Lord. This is why all the titles of God are “excellent”.
Today simply look up at the skies, take a look at the colors of the trees and see all the glories it contains. In the daytime, notice the wonderfully bright sun that enlightens the world. Look at the miracles of the birds who can soar and fly for seemingly hours on end.
And then at night, look at the details of the stars and planets that are hung there. Be amazed by the displays of the Northern lights, a meteor shower, or the full moon that dimly enlightens the earth. Then say as the Psalmist or sing like Miranda Curtis, Ohhhhh-Ohhh-Ohhhh there’s nobody like You Lord!