Thankful Tuesday
Tuesday, November 24
Thankful Tuesday
We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in prayers. 1 Thessalonians 1:2
Today I want to encourage you to give thanks for those around you. Let’s call it- thankful Tuesday.
Here we see Paul, based on the report they received from Timothy, outline what the content of this letter will be about. As some of these themes are developed further in later parts of the letter it is clear in Paul expressing his thankfulness for this church he intends to both celebrate what God has done in them and through them AND encourage them to continue in faithfulness; while growing in both the depth of their hope and pursuit of holiness.
The community flourished in faith and love did so because they were being watered. Flourishing followers are remembered and prayed for by their leaders. The leadership team is incredibly thankful for all the people continually. Not some of the people who serve the most often, give the most, or are the most gifted and enjoyable. The church is made up of a diverse group of people that would be easy to segregate; but they are thankful for them as a collection of individuals forming one body.
We should always be thankful for the people in our lives that encourage, edify and exhort us. From our families to our friends, each person is a blessing in our lives. We need to be thankful for those who are opposed to us, who give us chances to grow in patience, temperance, and prayer!
Today, make some time to give thanks for those which make up your inner circle.