Run The Race: Heavy Weights
Thursday, February 22
Run The Race: Heavy Weights
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1
In Hebrews 12:1 the author says ‘let us strip off every weight that slows us down’. This advice just makes sense. No serious runner wants to load himself up with things which will get in his way when he runs. When you see a runner, they generally have a minimum of apparel on (unless it is very cold out) and even then the clothes are light weight because they don’t have anything to hinder them, or weigh them down as they run. Running clothes are minimal in size, and weight; lightness is a premium, because you don’t want anything to weigh you down when you run.
Our race has eternal consequences. Two things that hinder us are heavy weights and sin. Sin alienates us from God and one another. Sin makes us enemies of God and casts us into constant conflicts with each other. Sin is a heavy weight! Weights restrict activity. They’re a surplus thing which bog us down and handicap us. They could even be the good things we do which God hasn’t called us to do. Sin entangles us and clings closely. Before we know where we are, we can be tripped up and fall flat on our face. Yet we had every possibility of getting the victory.
Would you take a moment right now and ask yourself: what is “weighing you down” and keeping you from being the follower of Jesus that God wants you to be?
— it may be sin, something you are holding onto that is draining your spiritual strength.
— maybe it is bitterness over how you have been treated,
— unforgiveness is a heavy weight; you can’t successfully run the Christian race with that weight on your back! Let it go and give it to God!
— Perhaps it is some friends who are dragging you down spiritually. There may be a person, or some people, in your life, with whom you will never be able to run a strong race with this added weight. In prayer, take it to God and ask Him for wisdom to sever those ties so that you can run the race unhindered.
— Or it could even be something “good” that you are giving too much attention to, and it is taking your attention away from the race that God wants you to run. It could be a hobby, or watching too much television, or spending too much time on the internet; any number of things that are just slowing you down spiritually.
I do not have the answers to these questions, it may be one of these things, or perhaps something different entirely. I invite you to take them to the Father in prayer and allow Him to search your heart and lend you His strength to deal with it.
Prayer for today: Dear Lord, thank You for Your mercy and grace that I am not consumed. Open my eyes to my weight and give me the strength I need to throw off everything that hinders me. Amen