Remaining, its not about you
Thursday, February 13
Remaining, it’s not about you
When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father. John 15:8
At the heart of the Christian life lies a difficult but necessary truth: it’s not about us. In John 15:8, Jesus tells us that the purpose of bearing fruit is not for our own recognition or benefit, but to bring glory to God. This realization can be challenging, especially in a world that often centers around personal success and individual achievement. But as followers of Christ, we are called to live differently. Our actions, our words, our love—everything we do—is ultimately about drawing others closer to God and reconciling them to Him.
Jesus teaches us that the fruit we bear as His disciples is a reflection of God’s work in us. It’s not about how much we can accomplish or how many people notice us. It’s about allowing God to work through us in such a way that He is glorified. This means our fruit—whether it’s acts of love, kindness, patience, or sharing the gospel—should point others to Him, not to our own abilities.
When Jesus speaks of bearing much fruit, He is talking about a life transformed by His love that then overflows and impacts the world around us. This fruit is the result of remaining in Him, abiding in His presence, and allowing His Spirit to work in us. But the ultimate purpose is not for personal gain or recognition. It’s to glorify God and to help others come to know His love and grace.
Prayer for today: Father, may my life bear fruit that honors You. Use me as a vessel of Your glory in this world. Amen.