Reasoning with God
Tuesday, February 16
Reasoning with God
For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9
If there is one thing that I have come to realize, it is that we should not expect to understand the ways of God! There should be a humility in us when we think or speak of God, a deep reverence that knows He is beyond us in every way. This respect, if held rightly, won’t lead us further from God, but closer. In Isaiah 55:8,9 God makes it abundantly clear that His ways are not ours. This doesn’t just mean that we see things differently but rather that we are unable to even imagine what He does and why!
The big problem for us is that we live in a very logical society. Each decision is meticulously calculated, worked out with its pro’s and con’s so that when we’ve evaluated all the options we can then make a ‘wise’ decision. I hate to break the news to you though – this is not always how God works! He doesn’t ask us to evaluate the options and follow logic – He simply asks us to follow Him.
Consider if David used his flesh when deciding whether or not to fight Goliath; or how Gideon’s attack strategy would have looked if reason had been his master. No doubt these, and many other heroes of the faith, longed to understand why God was asking them to do something that made no logical sense. But the fact is they obeyed the instruction of God and move forward anyway, and this enabled God to do the extraordinary through them.
What is God challenging you with today? Is the voice of logic overtaking the leading of the Spirit? Why not ask God today, to help you step out in faith and trust with those things that you know are from Him – even if it doesn’t appear to make sense!
Prayer for today: Help me, Lord, to hear your voice clearly, so that when I know that I have heard your voice I can step out in confidence to follow you. Thank you that your ways are always best. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.