Persistence in Prayer
Tuesday, January 30
Persistence in Prayer
For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, it will be opened. Matthew 7:8
Almost every follower of Christ finds prayer hard at some time (or most of the time). Why is that? Because there isn’t always an instant response. One of the reasons why we’re tempted to give up on prayer is that we don’t always receive an immediate response from God. In a world that so highly exalts instant gratification, this is a real difficulty.
It’s the same issue if we think about it in terms of weight loss. If our new approach does not quickly show its benefits, most of us are unlikely to persevere. Yes, we want to see results now, today, in the minutes after a healthy salad. However, if we are being realistic, we will understand it’s taken us some years to put on the pounds and so it’ll take some time and dedication to shed the extra weight. Likewise, we do not give up on talking to the Father. The scripture does not say seek, as in one day instead there is an ‘s’ at the end which means more than once.
Sometimes persistence may appear to be met with silence. But in due time, God will show you that “the Lord is not slow to fulfill his promises” (2 Peter 3:9). He answers all your prayers exactly when He knows it is right to and in precisely the manner that is always best for you. God is always doing far more than we can ask or even imagine.
God honors persistence in our prayers. As you pray today, consider areas of your life where you need God’s intervention. Be persistent in seeking His answers, trusting that He hears and responds according to His perfect will.
Prayer for today: My God help me to pray purposefully and persistently, and in accordance with Your will. Lord, as I learn to ask in faith, to seek You with all my heart, and to knock with patient endurance, I pray for Your strength to remain on track so that I may live according to Your will. This I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.