Joy Unspeakable
Friday, August 21
Joy Unspeakable
The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights. Habakkuk 3:19
Joy may seem elusive, mysterious and intractable, yet we are all commanded to be joyful. We must be deliberate about joy. But this joy that I share with you is not found in things, instead it comes from a unique source. The experience of real joy is unique because it is found in the Lord. It is His joy within our hearts that empowers and strengthens us to live God-anointed and blessed lives. This was a lesson that Nehemiah (Nehemiah 4) had learned on the job of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and without which he would more than likely have been unable to finish the job in the face of ridicule and opposition from the enemies of God’s people. God’s word tells us the people had a mind to build and in doing so they found joy.
It is shocking how many believers are pulled down simply because of the thoughts they allow to grow in their minds. There is a great deal of spiritual victory that many believers can have access to through changing the way they think, and controlling the thoughts that flow through their minds. So how do we get that joy? By truly knowing the Lord and walking in His ways. And how do we keep that joy? By keeping close to the Lord day by day.
Habakkuk had learned that whatever the circumstances of life that God is to be trusted – and even when things are tough and provision for his needs was in short supply, he knew that the Lord was still his source of inner life and strength, the very root of his salvation. He did not turn away from God or allow a root of anger or bitterness to grow up to rob him of his joy.
Today I share with you, joy is an experience that we can have in the inner recesses of our hearts even as we continue to live through these challenging times of COVID-19, and it is that joy which acts like an inner river of blessing to keep us sustained each and every day of our lives.
Prayer for today: Thank You Lord for the river of blessing which flows into our hearts from Yours. Thank You that we can be joyful in You, even when going through tough times. Help me never to cease praising You whatever the circumstances of life and for the inner joy which you have promised will be my strength. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.