Honoring Mother’s
Friday, May 7
Honoring Mothers
Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you! Luke 1: 28
This weekend is all about mothers, those given birth and those who birth love and a long lasting relationship through the actions of their heart. There is a quote which says “God couldn’t be everywhere, so He made mothers.” While not theologically accurate, this saying describes beautifully the significant role mothers have in our lives.
Motherhood is one of God’s greatest gifts to humanity. A warm, loving, committed mother is an indispensable person in our development. Just imagine a world without mothers. We couldn’t! Biologically, women are designed for self-sacrifice. When pregnant, a woman’s body focuses its primary attention on growing a new life. The body is designed to be selfless in prioritizing the needs of her unborn baby. But it doesn’t end there, women are also designed by God to nurture. Many of us have mothers in our lives not by birth but through selfless action of love and care. There is just no greater nurturing than a mother. Mothers instill powerful social and nurturing characteristics in each generation.
Think of the women who stood at the cross with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. They are no exception to the blessings. Despite the unpopularity of Jesus during this time or the imminent danger as they stood by His side in support, they remained. Sacrificing their personal safety for family they gave Him the ministry of just “being present.” Despite the fact that none of his trusted disciples were anywhere to be found, these women decided to stand united in their faith with Jesus.
Perhaps like me, you have felt and experienced the power of selflessness of a woman. How many of us are fortunate to have that special female support in our lives? Someone who is there for you no matter what? Someone who you can turn to in times of trouble not looking for help but instead looking for a shoulder to lean on. It is such a great blessing to be surrounded by such a person during times of joy but greater in times of sorrow.
Today I dedicate this devotion to all the women who have given so much of themselves for God and in the service of His church. To all the women who understand their children’s strengths as well as their weaknesses and use God as their guide in training them. If you have been blessed to have a phenomenal woman who has been powerful in your life, take some time this weekend to show her that you care. I know some will say, “Well I show her appreciation all the time” and that’s okay but there is a reason in which we set aside a day in honor for the Mother’s.
Think of it this way, we attend worship service on a Sunday morning even though we should be praising God on our own throughout the week. Why? Because there is something special that happens when we are in fellowship with each other, on one accord giving God all the praise.
Today, let’s collectively honor our Mothers. God bless all the Eve’s to Mary’s to Naomi’s who do their very best in raising us all. May God continue to be at the center of your life and guide you every step of the way.
Let’s also remember those who are struggling this Mothers Day. My prayers are with those who lost their mom or children on this Mother’s Day. May God continue to strengthen you.
Happy Mother’s Day weekend to all! 🌼💐🌸🌺🌹🏵️🌻🌷💮