Holy Ground

Tuesday, November 22
Holy Ground
Then the Commander of the Lord’s army said to Joshua, “Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.” And Joshua did so.” Joshua 5:15
In her song titled ‘Something Has To Break’ singer Kierra Sheard sings about the breaking before the blessing. Oh, I love me a good ‘ol wall breaking down, don’t you? I love me a battle plan with a guaranteed victory. I love it when God has to move a mountain and He makes a way. Oh I love when my God makes the impossible possible! Just watch out when God is on the scene. But this is not always the entire story. Before Joshua chapter 6, before God says to march around those impossible walls once every day for 6 days, then on the 7th day, circle the walls 7 times. Before the shout on the 7th day there is Joshua chapter 5. Let’s remind ourselves of the part in the story we typically skim over to get to the marching and the yelling and the walls crumbling. What happens before that? Joshua 5:15 says “Then the Commander of the Lord’s army said to Joshua, “Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.” And Joshua did so.”
Before the walls came tumbling down, there was a circumcision. Before the walls came tumbling down there was a position Joshua needed to be in. That position was humility.
The angel tells Joshua to take off his sandals. Removing your shoes was a sign of reverence, humility and respect. It was a total forfeit of comforts and rights. With bare feet, you stand in the presence of a powerful God, in full surrender of your past, present and future.
Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Prayer for today: Abba, Father I declare that You are good. I am nothing without your mercy and favor. Forgive me of my sins. I am sorry Lord for not trusting You. Amen