His Amazing Grace
Wednesday, March 15
His Amazing Grace
For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. Titus 2:11
Amazing Grace is a favorite hymn of many people all over the world. It is fifth in the list of best hymns ever written and fourth in the most popular hymns for funerals. The word ‘Grace’ appears eight times in the Old Testament when people lived by the Law, and 122 times in the New Testament where God’s children are taught to live by grace. However, reading about grace and knowing about grace is very different to living daily in the experience of God’s amazing grace.
Grace has been defined as – God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. There are no requirements for being loved by God because it is a gift of grace that can never be earned or deserved. Grace can be summed up as unfailing love and faithfulness. Grace is a miracle. Grace is healing. It is the answer to many of our anxieties, insecurities, guilt, false guilt, and shame. And this is why it’s so amazing, God’s grace.
God offers His unmerited, undeserved, and unbridled grace for us today and every day. It sounds like an invitation to rest in Jesus. It sounds like this beautiful, old song—a song we get to sing today, tomorrow, and forever! And that truly is amazing.
Prayer for today: Dear God, would You continue to show me the offensive ways in my heart, that I may see my deep need of Your grace and know more deeply Your great sufficiency to meet my every need. Amen.