He Said ‘Yes’

Tuesday, March 30
He Said Yes
Do you think I cannot call on my father and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels. Matthew 26:53
The last few chapters of Matthew describes the events leading up to the crucifixion. In this account we find today’s verse Matthew 20:28 “the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others…” For me it was an important reminder that Jesus’ life was not taken from Him but that He willingly gave it up. He was well aware of what suffering awaited Him there and He had determined that He would not be deferred from His purpose. In essence, Jesus said yes to the cross.
He died for you and me because He came to serve. In the garden of Gethsemane we read that Jesus surrendered His will to God again and with an anguished prayer prayed ‘Not as I will, but as you will’ (Matthew 26:39). Even while being mocked on the cross by the chief priests, elders and teachers of the law Jesus chose death over retribution. I would have been tempted to respond to their challenge but Jesus didn’t (Matthew 27:41-42). He chose to stay on the cross, not to be a hero, nor because He wanted to make a point. He chose the cross because He knew His purpose for coming to earth was to lay down His life the ransom of many.
Jesus chose the nails. Jesus chose the cross. Jesus chose the mocking. Jesus chose the humiliation. He chose the separation from His Heavenly Father for you and for me. What will you choose today just for Him?
Prayer for today: Thank You Jesus, for dying so that I could be forgiven for my sins and be welcomed open-armed into heaven. Thank You for choosing the cross. I am forever grateful for that day. Amen.