Faith and Endurance, Part II

Thursday, November 17
Faith and Endurance, Part II
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. James 1:2
It is often said, “Be careful what you pray for!” Why? In Isaiah 55 it says, ‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.’ Therefore if we pray for patience, we will likely encounter situations which will force us to be patient. If we pray for generosity, we will likely meet with people or situations that could benefit from our resources. And if we pray for strength, we will likely experience trials and tribulations that will force us to stand. For this reason we are reminded in James to count it all joy. God does not promise us a life free of trouble, but He does say our difficulties are limited by time. Pain will not last forever; there will be one day a new heavens and earth (Rev. 21). The life of joy is not one in which we simply believe in God; it is one in which we believe God will one day right all wrongs.
When James wrote his letter to believers who had been scattered abroad, he told them that the testing of their faith would produce patience and that patience has a goal. It is to make us stronger and mature in the faith. Immature people become discouraged easily. Therefore, we need experiences which will teach us not to become discouraged and will make us more mature. Another way of saying “maturity” is Christlikeness. God uses everything in life—especially the hard things—to conform us to the image of Christ (Romans 8:28-29).