Don’t Miss Your Turn

Monday, October 17
Don’t Miss Your Turn
He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper. Psalm 1:3
The first word of Psalm 1 is blessed, which, as God would have it also the way Jesus began His first recorded sermon in Matthew 5. Blessed are we if we learn not to curse our season but embrace every moment of life and see the hand of God orchestrating it all. When you start fighting to apprehend the strength of the season that you are in and start fighting to see the significance in this season, then you can learn to embrace the season you are in.
Ecclesiastes 3 also speaks to the subject of seasons. Ecclesiastes 3:1 “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Here we find Solomon reminding us that there is a specific time for everything. In the flesh we tend to think this season comes from God and this season comes from the adversary, but the writer seems to imply here that God is superintending every moment of our lives. This means there is a blessing or a lesson in each season if only we’ll learn to embrace it.
This week understand these truths –
1) We are all going through a season and each season has a purpose
2) Preparation is the key to have a successful season. Therefore, we must dress for the season
3) If we want to bear an abundant fruit it is more than just sitting and waiting on the land to come up. Then we need to seize the moment of this season
The time to live is right now and the time to embrace is right now.