Convert Your Worries
Wednesday, August 9
Convert Your Worries
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6
Worry seems to be an inescapable fact of modern life. No doubt, there is plenty to worry about: our future, the economy, global warming, war, disease… the list could go on forever! Sometimes it might seem that worry has even replaced Jesus as the focal point of our lives. Jesus Himself admonished us several times not to worry. And the great apostle Paul tells us in the passage above that there is an antidote to worry: prayer.
When we worry about something, we are spending energy on it, wondering what might happen, rehearsing the “if only’s” and “what if’s” in our minds. Why not take that same energy and refocus it on prayer instead? When we worry, we are simply talking to ourselves about our fears, but when we pray, we are taking those fears to God. We can’t control the future, but we don’t need to. Instead we ought to have faith in God, He knows exactly what is going to happen, and He promises to be with us every step of the journey.
Today let’s decide to convert our worry into prayer. Let your petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, and you will find that the peace of God will guard your heart.
Prayer for today: Dear Lord, You know how often my mind goes to worry and not to trusting You. May my thoughts be quicker to turn into prayers to You, my Almighty God, because You know the plans You have for me, and they are plans to prosper me and not to harm me! Thank You for Your peace that surpasses all understanding as I place my confidence in You and believe You are at work in my life. Help me to remember that when I pray, I am surrendering my worries to You, the One who holds the future in Your hands. In Jesus’ name, Amen.