Chosen Vessels
Wednesday, August 19
Chosen Vessels
And He went up on the mountain and called to Him those He Himself wanted. And they came to Him. Mark 3:13
God’s Word is full of accounts as written today’s verse. Ordinary people that God got hold of and uses for His purpose. Moses was a murder but, God called him to lead. David was only a shepherd boy, but God made him king. Gideon was a fearful man hiding from his enemies, but God made him a great general. Esther was an insignificant Jewish girl living in Persia, but God made her a deliverer for her people. Let us not stop there, consider those in the New Testament ordinary men and women all throughout the book of Acts were filled with the Holy Spirit and dedicated to Jesus Christ, and they became extraordinary vessels to be used by God.
What about you? Your life might be one that the world would just pass over and disregard. Oh, but if Jesus gets hold of you and you become His vessel, what He can do through you! You too can be an ordinary-but-filled-with-the-Holy-Spirit extraordinary person for God. Are you willing to step out and become a vessel that God can use?
Yes, I know these are challenging times and the world tells us to hold onto whatever resources we have so that we can ride out the storm. Today I am encouraged more than ever not to just expect the blessings of God but to stand in the gap so that I can be a blessing.