Carried by Faith
Tuesday, January 11
Carried by Faith
Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
Early Fall 2006, Carson Leslie was busy with high school, football and girls. One afternoon, he said he wasn’t feeling 100%. Two weeks and many doctors’ visits later, his parents were given the worst news – brain tumor. Tears poured out their eyes knowing that the days of their beloved son were now numbered.
This news however, did not dampen Carson’s spirit. Carson responded by turning to Joshua 1:9. He claimed it not as his cancer verse but his life verse. “No matter how long I live, I want this verse on my tombstone,” he wrote in Carry Me. “And when people visit my grave, I want them to read the verse and think about how it got me through my struggles in life, and I hope others will see that this verse can offer them the same kind of comfort it gives me.”
Sadly, Carson passed away at age seventeen, but he did not want to leave this world empty handed. Carson wanted to tell his story of what it’s like to be a kid fighting for life, and encourage those who come behind him. The Carson Leslie foundation and medical ministries established in his honor have touched thousands.
Carson’s story reminds us that Scripture has the power to bring us through hard times. No matter what comes, God has a verse, a promise, or a passage in the Bible to help us. His Word gives us the tools to defeat our enemies. Find a verse for yourself today, make it your “go-to” Scripture, and draw courage as you look to God’s Word for strength each day.