December 3-4
Turn my heart to Your decrees and not to material gain. Psalm 119:36
One way or another, we always tend to follow our hearts. That’s where desires are, where our feelings are, and where we work things out and make decisions. But our hearts are so easily influenced by things other than the will of God. This is what David discovers, he realizes that his heart could take him in either of two directions: God’s instructions (His decrees), or selfish (material) gain.
The fact that we are all weak when it comes to battling against the carnal nature doesn’t mean that there’s nothing that we can do about it. The closer we are to God, and the more we keep away from what leads us away from Him, the more our heart will bend towards what pleases Him.
How about making the prayer below (Psalm 139:23-24, taken from the Message translation) yours today?
Investigate my life, O God, find out everything about me; cross-examine and test me, get a clear picture of what I’m about; see for Yourself whether I’ve done anything wrong – then guide me on the road to eternal life. Amen.