A Good Work
Wednesday, April 13
A Good Work
But Jesus said, “Let her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a good work for Me. Mark 14:6
Anointing’s are sprinkled throughout the Old Testament. Both priests and kings were set apart for specific jobs by pouring oil over their heads. You can remember that Kings were usually anointed by prophets working in response to God’s instructions. One such anointing was done by Samuel. Samuel anointed both Saul and David (1 Samuel 10:1; 16:13).
The people gathered at this dinner could not have known exactly what was taking place, but Jesus knew. It was customary for the dead to be anointed in preparation for burial. In just a few days, he would go to the cross, die, and be buried in a borrowed grave.
Jesus looks with favor on this anonymous woman and her anointing. She is not a priest or an authorized prophet, yet she anoints Jesus’ head with valuable oil because he is THE king. Jesus declares her actions to be a ‘good work’ because she has prepared his body for burial. She didn’t hold anything back in her commitment to glorify Jesus. She gave her all and in doing so received His mercy, grace and favor.
What keeps you from freely expressing your love for God? Is it conventional wisdom? Social norms? Fear of disapproval? Your own sense of sinfulness or unworthiness?