Asked and Answered
Tuesday, February 4
Asked and Answered
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. Psalm 121:1
The phrase ‘asked and answered’ is a legal term used when the same attorney continues to ask the same question and they have already received an answer. The judge presiding over says, asked and answered.
In today’s reading the Psalmist does a similar thing. Having asked the question ‘Where does my help come from?’ in the first verse of Psalm 121 the psalmist then proceeds to provide his own answer by acknowledging the fact that the Lord is the source of his help. The psalmist then continues in what reads like an internal dialogue in the subsequent verses to explain how the Maker of heaven and earth is not only his source of help but a source of strength, shelter, security, supply and safety.
Today may you lift UP your eyes to the hills and understand that help comes from the Lord. As you look at whatever it is you are facing today, the help you need to make this a thing of the past comes from God. Let’s lift our eyes up beyond the hills and expect awesome responses from the God who is beyond both our high mountains and our human understanding.
For we serve a great big God indeed!