What Are You Listening To?
Monday, March 22
What Are You Listening To?
Even though princes sit plotting against me, your servant will meditate on your statutes. Psalm 119:23
What Are You Listening To? This question has the capacity to either make or break you. It’s horrible, isn’t it? When someone (especially someone close to you) says things about you that you know are both unkind and untrue. Words have an incredible capacity to hurt. And it’s even worse when they are spoken behind your back (not helping but slandering you). The trouble is that what people are saying so often seems to have more impact on us than what God is saying. But consider this truth – we cannot always control the sounds that your ears are exposed to you can control its residence in your mind. David gives us three practical keys to hold onto and reminds us that God’s words to us are much louder than anything anyone else has to say.
First, he reminds us that God is the ruler of it all. God is for you and remains the ruler of this universe. His mere presence is for you and He precedes you and what can happen to you. God pro-me, for me. So, what God says is far more important than what anyone else has to say. It is as we acknowledge the Lordship of God over every part of our life that we come under His protection. Second, he focuses on God’s decrees. God’s declaration is all that matters.
Finally, we may not always understand God’s timing but God’s Word tells us that He can and will work it out for our good. How do we know this? Well if we meditate, on God’s Word we know this in our heart to be true. Meditating on God’s word means focusing our spiritual ears to His unmistakable voice, as He speaks through the written word. It means spending a little time to change the focus of our listening. And it means staying focused on what God has to say. Intentionally taking our mind off what could be and leaving it on the Great I Am.
If we ‘meditate’ in this way, it will allow God to speak directly into our problem. And when God speaks, He brings peace. He calms our agitation and anxiety. The naysayers may still be there, but it has been drowned out by what God is saying.
Prayer for today: Oh God, You are the Great I Am. You are the ruler of the heavens and the earth. This I believe. Thank You Father, for when You speak into my life, You bring healing and peace. I bring to You the unkind words that others have spoken against me and believed. Would You please take away their power to hurt me, and give me Your peace. In the name of Jesus, the Prince of peace. Amen.