The Puzzle Solver
Tuesday, January 16
The Puzzle Solver
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
As we touched on yesterday, life often feels like a complex puzzle—pieces scattered, uncertainties looming, and the full picture hidden from view. However, we know that God, the master Puzzle-Solver, is orchestrating our lives according to His purpose. Even when we encounter hardship, setbacks, or the unknown, each piece of our journey is crucial to forming the complete picture of His plan. One of the big hindrances to feeling positive about what is ahead of us are the mistakes or failures we have had in the past. For some reason, unknown to man the thing that always speaks loudest to our future is the voice of our past. And when that past has been peppered with tough times, disappointments, or personal tragedy, it can strongly taint our perception of what is ahead. So how can we navigate this puzzle of life?
We can start by focusing on God. The foundation of our puzzle is love for God. As we deepen our connection with Him through prayer, worship, and obedience, we align our hearts with His.
Once we are focused on God, then we will know to trust His plan. Trust God to weave our experiences into a masterpiece. His understanding surpasses ours, and He sees the full scope of our lives. Understand that we are called by God. We are not aimlessly wandering through life; we are called according to His purpose. Each challenge, success, and moment of stillness contributes to the grand design He has envisioned.
This moves us from focus, to trusting in process. Understand that the beauty of a puzzle is revealed piece by piece. Similarly, the unfolding of God’s plan requires patience and faith. Trust that, in His perfect timing, the complete picture will be unveiled.
So, when faced with uncertainty or challenges, remember that God is at work. Every piece of your life—whether joyous or challenging—is an essential part of the divine puzzle. As you trust and embrace His purpose, you’ll witness the intricate beauty of His design.
Prayer for today: Dear God, thank You for the assurance that all things work together for good for those who love You. Help me to trust in Your purpose, especially when life’s puzzle seems confusing. Grant me patience and faith as I navigate each piece of my journey, confident that Your plan is perfect. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.