Monday, May 4
Monday Morning Manna
Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.” Numbers 13:30
Yesterday Sis. Iyzaro Davidson encouraged us to give off the sound of praise. Speaking from the book of Numbers (Numbers 13: 26-33 and Numbers 14: 6-9), she asked the question – what do you sound like to God? What do you sound like to believers and non-believers?
The Israelites had seen God work miracles since leaving Egypt. They had seen God’s power displayed for them at the Red Sea. They had seen God provide fresh manna from heaven, yet when there were faced with a new challenge the ten spies responded not in faith but in fear. In this time and season of COVID-19 there is much going on that impacts us physically, financially and spiritually. Yet we are reminded to once again, represent God as a secure foundation.
When the spies were sent to view the land, God reminded them of His promise. Sadly, ten of the twelve spies seemed to have lost their ‘sound of praise’. They saw fortified cities, the saw powerful people and reported them as giants. Not only did they report these things as being bigger than what they could conqueror, somehow they forgot about the God who delivered them before and suddenly saw themselves as ‘grasshoppers’.
But Caleb had a different spirit (Numbers 14:24), seeing through the hand of God he spoke words of truth to the fearful Israelites. ‘We should go up and take possession of the land for we can certainly do it’ (Numbers 13:30). To him the giants appeared as grasshoppers because he saw them through God’s eyes. He wasn’t crippled with fear because his trust was in the unfailing promises of the unfailing God.
The question remains, Grasshopper or giant – how do you see yourself? Grasshopper or giant – how do you see COVID-19? Grasshopper or giant – how do you see your health? Grasshopper or giant – what does your praise sound like?
Will you be like the ten reporting giants in the land or will you stand like the Joshua and Caleb and say “we are strong enough to conquer it”