With All Your Heart
Tuesday, May 9
With All Your Heart
Trust God from the bottom of your hear; don’t try to figure out everything on your won. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all. Proverbs 3:5-6
There is a regional distribution of blood flow throughout the heart such that not every area is equally perfused as one would think. This makes today’s verse all more important. We are instructed to trust from the bottom, from a place where essential nutrients flow. We are called to use every fiber in our body to let go and trust God. Each day we actively engage in trust when we pray and place our petitions before God. As you wake up and fall to your knees or go through the door with His Word in your heart, you are, in essence, practicing trust.
You are not supposed to figure out your path through this life alone. God will guide you throughout all the twists and turns of life. He will protect you and take care of you. He will lead you to a life of freedom and purpose greater than any life you could carve out for yourself.
Our human nature does not naturally bend toward resting in God, but we have the promise that as we grow in this discipline, He will guide our paths. When we begin to see God’s faithfulness being displayed as you lean on Him then your soul will find rest. It is easy to fool ourselves into believing that we have all the answers. That somehow we are in control. That we make good and appropriate decisions and choices all the time (I can tell you for sure that I don’t!) It is a fact that we make mistakes and often mistakes lead us to making poor choices. We misunderstand, we misbelieve, we misjudge, and we just MISS it all the time. Miss what? But we find rest when we take a moment to breathe as we place our trust in the Lord.
Stop thinking that you can make it on your own strength or your own wisdom can get you through. It won’t. Recognize and acknowledge that each moment belongs to God and He will see you safely through it all.