Write It Down

Tuesday, November 29
Write It Down
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6
Some time ago, I was having a really bad day. The sort of day when nothing goes right and the events just keep replaying over and over. Feeling very discouraged and in a low mood I decided to pause and document my thoughts. At first it was a way to think things through, but then it became a living testimony. As I started to write down how I was feeling I thought to myself there will be a time when I go back and read this with praise thankful to God for keeping me.
Today without looking at the book, I cannot even remember what bothered me to the point of discouragement but whatever it was, God kept me. I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised, because being thankful is part of God’s solution to the problems and worries of our lives, as today’s verse reminds us.
Why not give it a try yourself?
Prayer for today: Abba, Father I declare that You are good. Thank You for the wonderful promises in Your Word about Your love and care for me. Thank You for all the things in my life that are good. Thank You for the things You have given me and done for me. Please help me to think of things in order to remain focused on You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.