November 5-6
The Lord is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in place. He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos. Isaiah 45:18
In 1993, a group of flight attendants walked off their jobs. The movement became known as CHAOS: “Create Havoc Around Our System,” a phrase other unions have adopted. There was chaos around the country as the flight attendants’ union at American Airlines called its first strike in 50 years.
Sometimes that term applies to our lives as well. There are seasons of life when nothing is going our way and we can only define it as chaotic. Life has so many moving parts and difficult problems are often overwhelmed with havoc. But even in those chaotic moments I try to remind myself that God has perfectly ordered all things and knows how to bring stability and serenity to each day.
The God of heavenly beings is able to bring organization into your life too. If you’ve unraveled at the edges, consider this alternative acronym I found for CHAOS: Christ Has All Our Solutions. The God who created the heavens and put everything in its place knows how to bring order and usefulness to your life. He doesn’t want you to live in chaos, but in Christ.
When I find myself distressed by the chaos, to my Bible I go, confident in God’s Word. I know that God is on the throne! I need not live in fear regarding these affairs but can instead rejoice in the prospect of the great appearance of King Jesus, when we will join with an eternal company of citizens declaring then what we affirm now: “The Lord God omnipotent reigns!”