A Frustrated Task
Tuesday, July 5
A Frustrated Task
I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. Isaiah 45:3
Do you know that God often speaks to us where He can reach us? This is the case of the account written in Isaiah 45. Sometimes we think the treasures of life are earthly riches, pretty clothes, job promotions, awards, or in my case, a healthy voice. But perhaps an even more valuable and sustained thought is knowing the all-powerful God of the universe is working in the darkness.
Now just because you know God takes all things and works them out for you good, doesn’t mean you won’t feel frustrated along the way.
Just look for it! In the darkness, in the most challenging of ties there is always something to laugh about. When adjusting to an inconvenience, physical limitation, or a relationship problem, we must look for things to be grateful for. There are secret riches such as truth, trust, and patience. Whatever you’re facing today, may it work out to bring glory to the God of Israel. He’s the One who brings hidden treasures to light.
What secret riches are hiding in your situation? The circumstances may be beyond your control, but they’re not beyond God’s. He can turn things around for your good. Usually, it just takes a little time.
Prayer for today: Lord, thank You for working in my life, even in ways I don’t realize. Give me wisdom to accept what you are doing even when I don’t understand. May those around me watch my life and know there is a God in heaven. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.