Do you have life?
Monday, June 13
Do you have life?
Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have God’s Son does not have life. 1 John 5:12:16
First John 5:12 says that, “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have God’s Son does not have life” (NLT). And the life that Jesus gives is eternal and abundant, filled with everlasting joy and peace! When you say “yes” to Jesus and surrender your life to Him, you immediately become alive in your spirit. When you receive His forgiveness, you are cleansed of all sin and all unrighteousness. God’s Holy Spirit makes His home inside of you, and you are given a new life.
Nicodemus asked Jesus, “What does it mean to be born again? How can a person enter their mother’s womb a second time?” Jesus answered him by explaining that being born again means that your spirit being is reborn and made alive. Romans 10:9–10 tells us that we are born again when we say “yes” to Jesus.
Each day we must make a conscious decision to say “yes” to Him in our minds, in our attitudes and through our actions. We have to say “yes” to obeying His Word and choosing to embrace His precious promises by faith. Then we begin to receive and embrace the fullness of life God has promised to give.