Monday Morning Manna
Monday, July 26
Monday Morning Manna
Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:4
It is clear with all the distractions this world has to offer we are all too busy to bother much with looking out for each other. After all, I’ve got my own issues, burdens, and baggage to carry there’s just no room for anything else. Yet still, our text for today says, “Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” – Philippians 2:4. Why would you think this command was written and not just left to humankind as a suggestion? Because it is not the natural response to forget about self and focus on someone else. Paul knew that one of the keys that contributes to the believers’ joy and fulfillment in walking with the Lord is that our brothers and sisters in Christ are kind and considerate to one another – having the love of Christ in their hearts and being one in spirit and like-minded in purpose.
Notice, we are commanded, not requested, to look after each other’s interests.
Paul is telling us to do two things. First, we are not to be exclusively preoccupied with our own concerns and cares. We are not to think and act as if the whole universe revolves around us. We are not to be self-centered. Second, we are to be genuinely concerned about the life and interests of those around us. We are to be other-centered. In fact, the Greek word for “look” means we are to observe and contemplate each other’s interests. Some may call this being noisy, but the truth is we ought to be our brother’s keeper and we can do this by looking to our Savior, Jesus
Christ as the perfect example. Christ emptied Himself by taking the form of a servant. Christ emptied Himself by accepting a weak human nature. Imagine that! Christ did not give up any part of His divinity. He did not stop being God. He remained “in very nature God.” He remained Lord and Ruler over all. Yet, He accepted the nature of a human servant. He did not come as an earthly Ruler or King, with the pomp and glory of royalty. He did not occupy a place of honor, authority, or prestige. He was born in a manger and from the manger to the cross His was a servant nature. From the manger to the cross He came to serve rather than to be served.
This week, I challenge you to get outside of self and be a blessing. If you are looking for a cause to donate, I encourage you to visit the charitable arm of CCEM, the International Wellness Outreach Foundation IWOF). They are currently collecting items to pack a barrel for those in need. Read more about it here –